There are a few ground rules to being well groomed. The first is a basic routine. For those who have no routine at all I would suggest using a facial scrub to wash your face then a moisturiser after. Used once a day can really make a different to your skin. Your face is probably the most important thing to consider when grooming so a good routine will help the texture, dryness and over all look of your skin.
The second ground rule to consider is to take your time. A common problem in men is shaving rash, which is caused by the hair left behind in the follicle after you have shaved. Beard hair is thicker and normally curved so if you don’t shave properly the hair can grow into the skin, which leaves bumps and a rash and is usually itchy. To avoid this I would suggest to:
• Slow down, remember to take your time.
• Use a fresh razor, the more blunt the razor the more it will irritate the skin.
• Prepare your face well. Use hot water to wash your face. The best time to shave is in the shower or just after. Hot water opens pores making it easier to shave.
• Use a good shaving gel, oil or cream. Try not to get a really cheap brand as they sometimes dry out the skin, Gillette and L’Oreal are probably my favourite to use.
• Shave in the direction the hair grows.
• After the shave splash your face with cold water which will close your pores and TAP the face dry (rubbing will irritate the skin!)
• Use a moisturiser to reinforce the skin and keep it hydrated.
Thirdly, take good care of your body. Too much alcohol, sun and a poor diet will really damage your skin and hair (I will be expanding this point in a future blog!!)
The second ground rule to consider is to take your time. A common problem in men is shaving rash, which is caused by the hair left behind in the follicle after you have shaved. Beard hair is thicker and normally curved so if you don’t shave properly the hair can grow into the skin, which leaves bumps and a rash and is usually itchy. To avoid this I would suggest to:
• Slow down, remember to take your time.
• Use a fresh razor, the more blunt the razor the more it will irritate the skin.
• Prepare your face well. Use hot water to wash your face. The best time to shave is in the shower or just after. Hot water opens pores making it easier to shave.
• Use a good shaving gel, oil or cream. Try not to get a really cheap brand as they sometimes dry out the skin, Gillette and L’Oreal are probably my favourite to use.
• Shave in the direction the hair grows.
• After the shave splash your face with cold water which will close your pores and TAP the face dry (rubbing will irritate the skin!)
• Use a moisturiser to reinforce the skin and keep it hydrated.
Thirdly, take good care of your body. Too much alcohol, sun and a poor diet will really damage your skin and hair (I will be expanding this point in a future blog!!)
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