Have you ever heard of Blepharitis? The last time I went for an eye test the optician asked, “Have you ever heard of blepharitis?” I hadn’t. Whilst checking my vision she noticed I had this condition where your eyelids become inflamed and itchy. Which was why I kept rubbing them! Apparently it is quite common, but when I mention it to people they have never heard of it.

Treatment is easy; a daily routine of washing the eyes will usually clear the symptoms. Goodhope.org.uk suggests diluting a teaspoon of baby shampoo and in a pint of water and using a cotton bud to gently clean the eyelids, but this may cause further irritation. In the leaflet my optician gave me it says to use boiled water (which has been cooled) and a cotton ball to rinse the eyes then a cotton bud to clean specific areas.

Very dry skin or oily skin types are the most likely to develop blepharitis.



love your blog! i think this is the same condition that my dad suffers from and he had never heard of what you suggest using, so he is going to try it and see if it helps!

Emily x

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