I know it is a strange time to mention Christmas but I was having a shave yesterday and I noticed my products were running a bit low. I use Geo. F. Trumper’s shaving cream, which I got for Christmas off my Dad (along with a shaving set). Now the best thing about Christmas, besides spending time with the family and the hoards of amazing food, is the gifts I get in my stocking. The months leading up to Christmas I find a lot of my products have almost gone, luckily my family know me so well and fill my stocking with moisturisers, shaving stuff and general toiletries. I can’t wait for another nine months until the next Christmas to arrive, so I thought I would order some more online.
Whilst browsing trumpers.com I noticed that both their shops in London offer appointments to have a hair cut and shave. So, an idea popped into my head, as it is my birthday next month me and my dad could go into London and have a proper hair cut and shave.
I have never gone somewhere to have a shave before. I remember a few years ago whilst on holiday my dad went into a barber’s to get a shave. I have never wanted a beard as much as I did then just so I could get it shaved. The massage, facial scrub and even neck clicking looked all too tempting.
Though I had only facial fuzz, which was not worth a shave, I did manage to get a neck clicking. Now I am not sure how qualified this man was but he seemed to know what he was doing. I sat in the large black barber’s chair feeling very important and got a bit of a neck massage. Then the man said, “Lean back!” So I did. He held the sides of my face and slowly twisted it to the left, then within a second I was facing the other side of the room. I have never heard a crack like it, when my dad had his neck clicking done there was hardly a noise. I left the barbers thinking never to get that done again, but I think I may be brave enough to face it again. After all my neck felt amazing afterwards!
My boyfriend hates shaving, but really enjoys going to a professional barbers. He told me how pain free it was and how it doesnt bring his sensitive skin out in a rash. Its also a lot smoother than he can ever get it and lasts for 3-4 days.
your boyfriend sounds like a smart guy, the best shave is always from a professional!!
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